A Biographical Dictionary of Silent Film Western Actors and Actresses


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About the Book

Long before sound became an essential part of motion pictures, Westerns were an established genre. The men and women who brought to life cowboys, cowgirls, villains, sidekicks, distressed damsels and outraged townspeople often continued with their film careers, finding success and fame well into the sound era—always knowing that it was in silent Westerns that their careers began.
More than a thousand of these once-silent Western players are featured in this fully indexed encyclopedic work. Each entry includes a detailed biography, covering both personal and professional milestones and a complete Western filmography. A foreword is supplied by Diana Serra Cary (formerly the child star “Baby Peggy”), who performed with many of the actors herein.

About the Author(s)

The late George A. Katchmer had a long career as a coach, educator, and columnist. He lived in Millersville, Pennsylvania.

Bibliographic Details

George A. Katchmer
Format: softcover (7 x 9.25)
Pages: 488
Bibliographic Info: 986 photos, appendix
Copyright Date: 2009 [2002]
pISBN: 978-0-7864-4693-3
eISBN: 978-1-4766-0905-8
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Note     vi

Foreword by Diana Serra Cary     vii

Introduction     ix

The Actors and Actresses     1

Appendix     411

Book Reviews & Awards

“this is an important work for western and silent fans alike. George A. Katchmer dedicated his life to preserving the memories of silent film actors; these books are his lasting legacy”—Classic Images; “a formidable work…lively and informative…highly recommended”—Library Journal; “welcome”—Booklist; “a heavyweight publication in every sense of the word…mighty…highly recommended…enjoyable reading”—Wranglers’ Roost; “historic work which will undoubtedly become a well-thumbed major research tool…wonderful research…highest recommendation”—Western Clippings.