Hillbilly Thomist
Flannery O’Connor, St. Thomas and the Limits of Art
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About the Book
In the spirit of St. Thomas Aquinas, the writings of Flannery O’Connor’s concern for place can best be seen in the immediacies of things and persons. It is in relation to St. Thomas’ teaching, then, that O’Connor becomes comfortable in her “place,” Andalusia, that small farm just outside the small town of Milledgeville in middle Georgia. The abiding relationship between place—Andalusia or elsewhere—and a person comes out of human nature itself, evidenced in a person’s experiences of things in this place at this time.
With that as background, this detailed analysis of O’Connor’s works lays to rest the author’s own self-deprecating description of herself as a “hillbilly” Thomist. Instead we see in O’Connor’s writing a highly sophisticated mind, an inconvenience to the many critics who dismiss her as anti-intellectual.
About the Author(s)
Bibliographic Details
Marion Montgomery
Format: softcover (7 x 10 in 2 vols.)
Pages: 706
Bibliographic Info: appendices, notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2006
pISBN: 978-0-7864-2283-8
Imprint: McFarland
Table of Contents
Volume 1
Acknowledgments vi
Preface 1
1. Settling In at Andalusia 9
2. In Company with Good Country People 22
3. Glimpsing a Peacock’s Underwear 43
4. From Lethe to the Mississippi: Shall We Gather at the River? 60
5. Sorting Truth at the Surface of Things 80
6. At Risk in the Wilderness of Theory 115
7. Out of Essential Displacement, Toward a Felt Balance 144
8. Miss Flannery in Cahoots with the Devil 169
9. Coincidence of the Moral and Dramatic Senses 184
10. The Intellectual Air We Breathe in Skating the Surfaces 211
11. The Cannibal of Thought: Modernist Theory 243
12. Getting Dusty, Even Muddy, in the Swamp of the Self 274
13. Moral and Dramatic Problematics of Metaphor 303
Volume 2
14. The Poet and His Implied Attitude 329
15. Writing about the Whole World: The Challenge of the Local to Reason in Making 356
16. Reason Seeking Answering Reason in Things: The Philosopher as Poet, the Poet as Philosopher 386
17. Connecting Two Points—Two Countries—with Images 425
18. Uncertain Images, Entangling Metaphors: The Long Pursuit of Meaning 458
19. The Sentimentality of Being Half in Love with Easeful Death 487
20. The Mystery of Form: Discovering the Word in Our Words 518
21. Homo Viator on the Threshold of the Far Country: Here, Now, Always 540
22. His Presence in Things, Our Fingerprints on Words 565
23. Our Pursuit of Nothingness, Artifice as Idol 591
Afterword 614
Appendix A: Eric Voegelin and Flannery O’Connor on the Disjunction of Grace and Nature 625
Appendix B: Concerning Thomistic Epistemology 628
Appendix C: Concerning Thomas’ “Principle of Proper Proportionality” 634
Appendix D: Concerning O’Connor’s Fictional Strategy of Indirection 639
Appendix E: Concerning the Artist and Prudential Humility 649
Chapter Notes [for both volumes] 659
Selected Bibliography 677
Index 681
Book Reviews & Awards
“engaging…readers…will be rewarded in reading [Montgomery]”—Modern Age; “a monumental book”—The Charlotte World; “massive work”—First Things; “I regard Marion Montgomery as one of the most acute and profound critics of present-day American culture. He brings to his discussion of it penetrating insight and solid scholarship.”—Cleanth Brooks.