For Students & Instructors

Jump down to the exam copy request form.

Students: Discounts
McFarland is committed to textbook affordability.  We work to keep our textbook list prices as friendly as costs allow, but realize this may not be enough for students living in poverty or experiencing related barriers.  We extend a no-questions 20% discount to students for their direct orders for print editions.  On our website, use coupon code AFFORDABLE in the shopping cart.

Campus Bookstores: How to Order
McFarland welcomes direct orders from campus bookstores and other textbook suppliers. To place an order, check availability or inquire about sales terms, please contact McFarland customer service at 800-253-2187 or

Instructors: Examination Copies
To examine a prospective textbook in its entirety, contact us using the form below.  We ask that you limit your examination copy requests to a few at a time.  We will provide a PDF copy of the text.  Questions should be directed to sales & publicity specialist Stephanie Nichols.

Examination Copy Request Form:

    Name of Institution (required)

    Name of Instructor (required)

    Name of Course (required)

    Semester Offered (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Address 1

    Address 2



    Postal Code


    Book(s) You Are Requesting (required)